Senior Referral Network Sponsor

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Generation Living Trust provides everything you’ll need to protect your assets while you’re alive, and your family after you die. Plus, our experienced representatives, with guidance and legal support from our attorneys, will review your estate planning portfolio in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
In most cases, a traditional Will is not fully addressing all of your estate planning needs. That is why we like to tailor each estate planning tool to the client’s specific needs. If not done correctly, we believe that a Will is nothing more than a down payment on probate! You need an experienced trust provider that will work with you to solve these problems.
Our Estate Planning Portfolios are simple to use, easy to understand and can save your family thousands of dollars in probate costs, taxes, delays and legal fees. Why risk your assets, your family’s security and future? Call us today.
- Rachel
- Heath Van Horn
- Estate Planner
- (208) 590-6522
- [email protected]
- 7523 E Branchwood Cir
- Prescott Valley
- 86315